• A/E/C Committee – Promote a stronger alliance between existing organizations, and develop an educational program to benefit all professions. Participate and support the organization of events for the good of the building community.
  • BCC Committee – Plan, promote, and execute a successful conference. Assist in speaker/program selection and ensure member and vendor participation.
  • Community Service Committee – Promote outreach activities, provide support, and create connections with non-profit organizations serving the Rio Grande Valley.
  • Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament Committee – Raise office operating capital and scholarship funds; plan the event, promote sponsorship sales, and work at the tournament.
  • Scholarship Committee – Raise scholarship funds; promote AIA-LRGV Scholarships; read scholarship applications; select recipients.
  • Honors / Awards Committee – Determine awards to be given in the current year; advertise the program and call for entries for each award, select juries, present awards.
  • Emerging Professionals Committee – Promote Intern / Associates activities and plan ARE Seminars; Represent Chapter I/A Population; Plan I/A Programs for BCC.
  • Member and Special Meetings Committee – Promote chapter through monthly membership meetings, architectural tours, and public special events; raise public awareness of AIA-LRGV, architects, and architecture.
  • TAC/Government Affairs Committee – Promote the interest of the registered architects with Texas to public officials and raise funds for this purpose, and from such funds make campaign contributions for those seeking election or re-election to political office.
  • Skeet Shoot Committee – Assist in planning, promoting, and executing event; Oversee sponsor and player sales. This event is a joint event with RGV-AGC.
  • Fellowship Committee – Plan, promote, guide, and mentor members seeking Fellow status.
  • Education Committee – Raise awareness about the educational requirements and career pathways for architectural-related fields and spearhead a campaign to create a four-year program (Bachelor of Science in Architecture) in the LRGV in collaboration with local and regional institutes of Higher Education.
  • Homes Tour Committee – Plan, promote, and execute a public self-guided tour featuring homes, past and present, designed by licensed architects located in the Rio Grande Valley.

Want to be a part of our committees? Contact: msustaeta@lrgvaia.org